Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sewing with knits future tutorials and sew alongs

This isn't really a blog post so much as a thought.  I am by no means a perfect seamstress.  I learn new things every day, especially when it comes to sewing with wovens.  See, unlike most people, I am much more comfortable sewing with knit fabrics than I am with wovens.  For those that are new sewers, knits are stretchy, like tshirt or leggings fabrics, and wovens are like pillowcase fabrics.  Anyway,  when I was starting out, there were so many things I wish I'd have had a tutorial to teach me about, so I'm going to start doing some tutorials.  These are just some ideas for future tutorials, but are things that I've run into within my own learning, and things I see others struggling with.  Most will pertain to working with knits, but some will work for both types of fabrics.
1. Matching stripes.  Plaids are similar, I'm sure, but I've never really worked with plaids.  I'll have to try it and let you know.
2.  Upcycling a tshirt into a dress with woven fabrics and knit fabrics.
3. Inset sleeves in tshirts.....eeek!  This one scared me when I first started, but they really are quite easy.
4. neckbands on tshirts
5. a simple trick for  fixing a neck hole that's too big
6. rolled hems
7. sewing elastic directly onto the knit for waistbands
8. side seam pockets in boys or girls elastic waist pants
9.sewing knits without a serger, you can do it.....straight stitching is NOT your friend
10. attaching a hood

That's a great place to start.  As I get my patterns ready to go in pdf files and ready for the public to try, I will post tutorials and sew alongs.  Until then, I would love for you to check out my etsy shop  or my facebook page.  :)

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